Monthly Archives: April 2013

United Nation Development Agenda 2015 as Green Sustainable Economy

  After Rio +20, the United Nations organization has aggregated a different industry for an ambitious initiative. UN enlighten program as the Post 2015 Development Agenda.  Development framework composites of economic, social and ecological progress which aim to bring sustainable Development in world. In short these objectives are collectively called as SDG (Sustainable Development Goal).

The frame work consists of two main targets

  • U.N. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
  • Encourage and promoting ecosystems and biodiversity.


 Direct focus on “green economy” and “green growth” important aspects of the U.N.’s Post 2015 Development Agenda. A Steering Board constitute by World Economic Forum Industry Partner companies with help of various industries CEO. They took owe to change their development economy towards the Green economy with proper utilization of resource. Currently various big organization such as transport, medical , automobile and other joined in World Economic Forum to look forward opportunities in green growth. UN mandates government, industries to show their progress in this subjective. Kyoto protocol is one such activity that measures the industrial and government initiative, their working model to reduce carbon foot prints. In short United Nation Agenda on Development in mid decade (2015) will be aimed towards Green Sustainable Economy.